simultaneous interpretation

Barinas translation and simultaneous interpretation for meetings, conventions, and events

For all your simultaneous interpretation needs




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  Translation of Training Packages

translating corporate training materialsOur comprehensive approach to translations, coupled with our translation project management form the framework of our multipart translations.  We define multipart translations as those that are comprised of materials requiring entirely different types of expertise.

One example is, which typically include financial statements,  technical specifications and requirements, as well as legal contracts.  As such, bids require 3 distinct types of translation expertise (financial, technical, and legal) and a translation manager.

Training packages are another type of multipart translations, as they normally contain a variety of elements,  including manuals, DVD's, multimedia, PowerPoint® presentations, etc. 

In order to achieve optimal quality, multipart translations must be managed as an integrated whole by applying proper translation project management and a comprehensive approach to language, including vocabulary, syntax, and style. 




Technical translations
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